Communication Revision

Factors to consider when selecting a medium to communicate bad news

  • The number of people you are targeting
  • The location of the audience
  • Type of the audience whether public or private
  • The significance of the news
  • Need for feedback
  • Need for a written document

The number of people/audience

Every communication medium has its optimum audience number and critically analyzing the objective and requirements of each medium is crucial.

If the intention is to communicate bad news to many people, the electronic medium is more convenient. However, if communication is intended for a few people, it is convenient to use phone calls or face to face communication to create a better chance to explain the significance of the news.

Location of the audience

If the audience is situated over a wide geographical region, using electronic means like phone calls which reduces the cost to both the organization and the audience as well.

For short-distance communication, the best medium would be face to face communication. Talking with the audience can help reduce the negative impact bad news can have on the audience’s psychological and mental state.

Type of the audience

If the message is intended for the public, then best medium to use would be that which does not focus on confidentiality, but which provides a wide range of options like emails

If the intended audience is private for instance a segment of employees in an organization, it is best for the manager and organization to employ a medium that keeps the message private and confidential.

Significance of the news

Every news or message whether bad or good has a varying significance on the receiver and sender. For more significant news, the sender may decide to take the message instead of using electronic means while the less significant news, would be conveniently communicated with electronic means

Need for feedback

If the sender requires feedback from the receiver, then a medium that connects the two parties is best while for bad news which do not need any feedback from the receiver, the sender may use one-way communication methods like written letters

Need for a written document

Some messages require the receiver to acknowledge they have received and accepted the message, and others their signature or letter may be needed. Such would require a medium that closely connects the sender and the receiver.

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What does communication entail in an organization?Communication in an organization involves how organizations present, constitute, and represent organizational climate and culture – the attitudes and goals.
What is the role of a manager in upholding organizational culture?Managers are expected to uphold organizational culture through strategies that support the organization’s long-term objectives and set goals.
What are some examples of bad news in communication?Bad news includes news regarding sacking, demotion, suspension, and more.
What determines the impact of bad news in the communication process?The channel chosen for communication determines the reactions expected and whether the intended purpose will be achieved.
What factors should be considered when selecting a medium to communicate bad news?The factors to consider include: the number of people you are targeting, the location of the audience, the type of audience (public or private), the significance of the news, the need for feedback, and the need for a written document.
What is the significance of audience number in selecting a medium for bad news?Every communication medium has its optimum audience number, and the objective and requirements of each medium should be critically analyzed. Electronic media is more convenient for communicating bad news to many people, while phone calls or face-to-face communication are more convenient for a few people.
How does the location of the audience affect the choice of communication medium for bad news?If the audience is situated over a wide geographical region, using electronic means like phone calls reduces cost. For short-distance communication, face-to-face communication is best to reduce the negative impact on the audience’s psychological and mental state.
What role does the type of audience play in selecting a communication medium for bad news?If the message is intended for the public, a medium that does not focus on confidentiality, such as emails, is suitable. If the audience is private, a medium that keeps the message private and confidential should be used.
How does the significance of the news impact the choice of communication medium for bad news?More significant news may require the sender to deliver the message in person instead of using electronic means, while less significant news can be conveniently communicated using electronic means.
What is the importance of feedback in selecting a communication medium for bad news?If the sender requires feedback from the receiver, a medium that connects the two parties is best. For bad news that does not require feedback, one-way communication methods like written letters can be used.
When is a written document needed in the communication of bad news?Some messages require the receiver to acknowledge their receipt and acceptance of the message, and in such cases, a medium that closely connects the sender and the receiver is needed.
What are the steps involved in the communication process?The steps in the communication process include selecting a medium, encoding the message, avoiding barriers, and decoding the message.
What does it mean to encode a message?Encoding a message means translating its meaning into words, images, or actions.
What factors should be considered for effective communication?Factors to consider for effective communication include eliminating barriers, such as physical noise, and considering the interaction model of communication, which includes feedback and contextual influences.
What are the different contexts that influence communication?The different contexts that influence communication include physical context, psychological context, social context, relational context, and cultural context.
What are some skills rated as important by employers and graduate management councils?Employers and graduate management councils rate skills such as teamwork, verbal communication, obtaining and processing information, oral communication, listening skills, written communication, and presentation skills as important for new hires.
According to research, what are some areas young workers may be ineffective in?Research suggests that young workers may be ineffective in areas such as communication, interpersonal interactions, time management, and willingness to work as a team.
What are some areas of dissatisfaction with recent college graduates?Recent college graduates may be dissatisfying in areas such as written communication, leadership, professionalism, and creativity.
How can expertise in social media benefit businesses?Expertise in social media can benefit businesses by effectively interacting with customers, which can have a significant impact on the bottom line.
What characteristics help in effective communication?Being strategic, professional, and adaptable are characteristics that help in effective communication.
What questions should be asked to ensure audience-oriented communication?Questions to consider for audience-oriented communication include what content the audience needs or wants, and how to make the message easy for the audience to understand.
What does professionalism entail in communication?Professionalism refers to qualities that make you appear businesslike in the workplace, including being appropriate, clear and concise, and ethical.
What are idioms in communication?Idioms are expressions that mean something different from the literal meanings of their words.
What is interpersonal communication?Interpersonal communication involves listening, understanding, and building relationships.
How should written communication be?Written communication should be specific, direct, and concise.
What is important when capturing attention in spoken communication?In spoken communication, it is important to capture attention by beginning with a short summary, even if the message is long.
What are the components of ACE in communication?The components of ACE (Analyse, Compose, Evaluate) in communication involve analyzing the situation, composing efficiently and effectively, and evaluating the communication for its goals.
What should be considered before communicating?Before communicating, it is important to analyze why you are communicating and what your purpose is.
What is persuasion in communication?Persuasion is the ability to influence an audience to agree with your point of view, accept your recommendation, or grant your request.
What is the primary audience in a message?The primary audience is the direct recipient of your message.
What is the secondary audience in a message?The secondary audience includes anyone else who may receive a copy of your message or hear about it.
What is the difference between primary and secondary research?Primary research involves collecting your own data, while secondary research involves using information collected by others.
How should conflicting information be handled in communication?Conflicting information should be addressed and not ignored to avoid ethical errors of omission.
What are the key elements involved in composing a message?The key elements involved in composing a message are deciding when and where to compose, organizing the content, drafting the content, and reviewing and revising the message.
What does composing involve in communication?Composing involves organizing the content, putting it into coherent sentences and paragraphs, selecting a professional medium, and designing a format that is easy to follow.
What are important techniques for long business emails?Techniques for long business emails include beginning with a focused first paragraph, using topic-specific headings, and formatting lists using bullet points.
How do memos differ from emails?Memos do not include a salutation, complimentary closings, and signatures like emails do. Memos are often longer than emails.
What are some considerations for cultural differences in communication?Considerations for cultural differences include the familiarity of the audience with American English, the value of directness or indirectness in the culture, the value placed on getting down to business or building relationships, and more.
How does evaluating improve communication?Evaluating helps improve communication by ensuring that the content is clear and concise, the style and tone are professional, and the message is correct and credible. Reviewing feedback also helps in becoming a better communicator.
When can passive voice be used?Passive voice can be used when you don’t want to assume blame or when you want to emphasize a certain word by making it the subject of the sentence.
What is style in communication?Style refers to how you express yourself in communication, focusing on the way you say things rather than what you say.
What is tone in communication?Tone refers to the image your language projects about you, and it is important to keep the tone professional and courteous at all times.
How does positive wording impact a message?Positive wording creates an optimistic, encouraging, and often more informative message.
What are two keys to a conversational style?Two keys to a conversational style are using short words and short sentences.
What are common types of errors in communication?Common types of errors include content errors, spelling errors, typographical errors, usage errors, grammatical errors, and format errors.
What are routine business messages?Routine business messages are short, straightforward, and non-sensitive communications that ask and answer questions, provide information, or confirm agreements.
What are goodwill messages?Goodwill messages provide an opportunity to establish and sustain a positive relationship with the audience.
How should messages containing requests be composed?Messages containing requests should be composed by deciding between direct or indirect organization, providing reasons for the request, adopting a “you” perspective and including audience benefits, and concluding with gratitude and a call for action.
What is direct organization in communication?Direct organization in communication is usually more effective because the audience immediately knows what you want.
What should be considered when composing informational messages?When composing informational messages, it is important to reply to questions with direct answers, respond to customer requests and comments to create goodwill, highlight key points in confirmation messages, organize routine announcements for easy skimming, format instructions for easy following, and keep text and IM messages short and focused.

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Editorial Team. (2023, May 24). Communication Revision. Help Write An Essay. Retrieved from

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