Top 10 Essay Writing Tips

Looking for essay writing tips? Today, many educational institutions require students to write research papers or essays as part of their coursework. These assignments serve as a means for instructors to assess students’ communication and literary skills. However, students in their early years of study may find it challenging to produce a professional essay on their first attempt.

In this post, we will explore ten essential essay writing tips that will help you create a professional and high-quality essay, even if it is a 3 or 5-paragraph essay. If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of essay writing tasks and assignments, you can seek affordable essay assistance from reliable sources such as essayservices and, among others.

1. Read the instructions carefully

Pay close attention to the essay prompt or instructions provided. Understand what is expected of you, whether it’s analyzing, comparing, or arguing a specific point.

  • Pay close attention to the essay prompt or instructions provided.
  • Understand the specific requirements of the essay, such as the topic, format, and length.
  • Identify the key words or phrases in the prompt that indicate the type of response expected (e.g., analyze, compare, argue).
  • Clarify any doubts or uncertainties regarding the instructions by seeking clarification from your instructor or professor.
  • Take note of any specific guidelines or limitations mentioned in the prompt, such as using certain sources or addressing particular aspects of the topic.
  • Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the purpose and objective of the essay prompt before proceeding with your writing.
  • Avoid making assumptions or deviating from the given instructions, as it may result in an essay that does not meet the expectations of the assignment.

2. Do your research

Gather information from credible sources to support your argument. Utilize academic journals, books, reputable websites, and other scholarly resources to ensure the accuracy and validity of your information.

Usually, before essay helpers start working on your order, they must do research and gather external sources to support every argument they make in the paper. This is why sometimes it is advisable to pay someone online to do your paper, which you can use later as a sample. These essay writing tips can help you become a pro-essay writer.

You should make sure you are conversant with APA style or any other paper format whether you are writing a reflection paper, a case study paper or solving an assignment.

  • Gather information: Collect relevant information to support your argument or thesis statement.
  • Credible sources: Use sources that are considered reliable and trustworthy.
  • Academic journals: Access scholarly journals that publish research articles written by experts in the field.
  • Books: Refer to books written by reputable authors or experts in the subject area.
  • Reputable websites: Utilize websites that are known for providing accurate and well-researched information. Look for websites with domain extensions such as .edu (educational institutions) or .gov (government websites).
  • Scholarly resources: Make use of resources specifically designed for academic purposes, such as databases, online libraries, or research repositories.
  • Accuracy and validity: Ensure that the information you gather is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by evidence or reliable research.
  • Cross-reference: Verify information from multiple sources to ensure consistency and reliability.
  • Critical evaluation: Evaluate the credibility, expertise, and bias of the sources you use to ensure the validity of the information presented in your essay.

3. Develop a thesis statement

Formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your main argument or position. Ensure that it is specific, arguable, and provides a clear direction for your essay. You can check thesis statement examples in this essay, or get help to compose a thesis statement by a professional. These essay writing tips will help you become a professional research paper writer.

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  • Thesis statement is a central element of your essay that states the main argument or position you will be presenting.
  • It should be clear and concise, providing a precise focus for your essay.
  • A good thesis statement is specific, avoiding vague or broad statements.
  • It should be arguable, meaning that there is room for debate or different perspectives on the topic.
  • The thesis statement should provide a clear direction for your essay, indicating what points or arguments you will be discussing.
  • It helps guide your writing and ensures that your essay stays focused and coherent.
  • Take time to refine and revise your thesis statement to make it strong and effective.
  • Your thesis statement should be located in the introductory paragraph of your essay.

4. Create an outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating an outline. This helps maintain coherence and ensures that you cover all relevant points in a logical order.

An essay outline gives you a clear view of what you should discuss or highlight in each section of your paper. It makes it easier to writer each paragraph flawlessly and get the reader’s attention with each successive point. Follow the essay writing tips below when creating an outline.

  • An outline helps you organize your thoughts and plan the structure of your essay before you start writing.
  • It provides a roadmap for your essay, ensuring that you cover all the important points and stay focused on your main argument.
  • Start by identifying the main sections or ideas you want to discuss in your essay.
  • Break down each section into sub-points or supporting arguments.
  • Arrange these points in a logical order that flows smoothly and enhances the coherence of your essay.
  • Use bullet points or short phrases in your outline to keep it concise and easy to reference while writing.
  • Include any specific evidence or examples you plan to use to support each point.
  • The outline serves as a guide, allowing you to see the overall structure of your essay and make any necessary adjustments before writing the full draft.
  • Refer to your outline as you write your essay to stay on track and ensure that you cover all the planned points.
  • However, remain flexible and open to revising your outline as needed if new ideas or information emerge during the writing process.

5. Write a strong introduction

Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. Clearly state your thesis statement and provide a brief overview of your main points.

We have various essay introduction samples and you can also read our guide on creating an introductory paragraph. If you need help writing your essay introduction, we have expert writers online 24/7 for you. The following essay writing tips will enable you to complete a strong introduction paragraph.

  • Engaging introduction: Start your essay with an opening sentence or hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This can be an interesting fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant anecdote, or a compelling statement.
  • Thesis statement: Clearly state your thesis statement, which is the main argument or central idea of your essay. It should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay.
  • Overview of main points: Give a brief overview of the main points or arguments that you will be discussing in your essay. This helps the reader understand the structure and content of your essay and prepares them for what is to come.
  • Be concise: Keep your introduction concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy explanations or unnecessary details in this section. The goal is to provide a strong introduction that sets the tone for your essay and entices the reader to continue reading.

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6. Support your thesis with evidence

The most important aspect of research paper writing is using evidence in your paper to support your arguments. Your thesis should be supported by external sources. You achieve this by following the author and date in-text citations in APA or any other referencing style such as MLA, HARVARD and CHICAGO. Then, each in-text citation must have a corresponding reference entry in the ‘references’ section of your paper.

Use credible evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments. Be sure to cite your sources properly and demonstrate a strong connection between the evidence and your thesis statement. The following essay writing tips will help you understand how to create a strong thesis.

  • Support your thesis: Your thesis statement presents your main argument or position in the essay.
  • Use credible evidence: Gather information from reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and trustworthy websites.
  • Include examples: Provide specific examples that illustrate and strengthen your arguments.
  • Cite your sources properly: Use the appropriate citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism.
  • Demonstrate a strong connection: Clearly show how the evidence you present supports and aligns with your thesis statement.
  • Use logical reasoning: Explain the relevance and significance of the evidence in relation to your main argument.
  • Provide context: Give background information or explanations to help the reader understand the relevance of the evidence.
  • Balance quantity and quality: Include enough evidence to support your points effectively, but avoid overwhelming the essay with excessive or irrelevant information.
  • Analyze and interpret the evidence: Don’t just present the evidence, but also analyze and interpret its implications and significance within the context of your essay.
  • Use a mix of primary and secondary sources: Incorporate both primary sources (original research or firsthand accounts) and secondary sources (interpretations or analyses by other scholars) to strengthen your arguments.

7. Write clear and concise paragraphs

Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument and be logically organized. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point, provide supporting evidence, and conclude the paragraph by linking back to your thesis.

When writing your essay, you must avoid mixing ideas in one paragraph. This practice often leads to frustrations on the reader’s view because they can barely grasp your arguments.

  • Each paragraph should have a clear and singular focus on one main idea or argument.
  • Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point or argument of the paragraph.
  • Provide supporting evidence, examples, or explanations to support the main idea presented in the topic sentence.
  • Ensure that the paragraph is logically organized, with ideas flowing smoothly from one to the next.
  • Use appropriate transitions to connect ideas within the paragraph and to link the paragraph back to the thesis statement or overall argument of the essay.
  • Conclude the paragraph by summarizing the main point and reinforcing its relevance to the thesis or overall argument.
  • Avoid introducing unrelated or extraneous information within the paragraph, as it can confuse the reader and disrupt the coherence of your essay.

8. Use transitions

Use transitional words and phrases to create smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas. This helps your essay flow smoothly and allows the reader to follow your train of thought.

  • Transitional words and phrases are tools used to connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs in your essay.
  • They help create coherence and ensure a smooth flow of thoughts and arguments.
  • Examples of transitional words include “however,” “in addition,” “on the other hand,” “therefore,” “consequently,” and “in conclusion.”
  • Transitional phrases can also be used, such as “as a result,” “for instance,” “in contrast,” “in summary,” and “to illustrate.”
  • These transitions guide the reader through your essay, making it easier for them to understand your points and follow your line of reasoning.
  • By using transitions effectively, you can enhance the clarity and readability of your essay, allowing your ideas to be presented in a logical and cohesive manner.

Here are some examples of commonly used transition words and phrases in essay and research writing:

AdditionContrastComparisonCause and EffectExample and IllustrationSequence and OrderConclusion
FurthermoreHoweverSimilarlyThereforeFor instanceFirst, second, thirdIn conclusion
MoreoverOn the other handLikewiseConsequentlyFor exampleNextTo sum up
AdditionallyNeverthelessIn the same wayAs a result SpecificallyThenOverall
In additionNonethelessJust asThusIn particularFinallyUltimately
AlsoDespiteCompared toFor this reasonTo illustrateMeanwhileAs a result
In contrastSimilarly toAccordinglySuch asSubsequentlyIn summary

9. Write a strong conclusion

Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion. Leave the reader with a lasting impression by offering a thought-provoking insight or a call to action.

You can read our comprehensive guide on writing a strong conclusion paragraph for your essay. You can also ask us to “write my conclusion paragraph” for your paper.

  • Summarize main points: Provide a concise recap of the key arguments and evidence presented throughout your essay. Summarize the main ideas to remind the reader of the important points you discussed.
  • Restate thesis statement: Rephrase your thesis statement in a way that reinforces the main argument of your essay. However, avoid simply copying and pasting the original thesis. Aim to present it in a slightly different manner to add emphasis or provide a new perspective.
  • Thought-provoking insight: Offer a compelling insight or thought that leaves the reader thinking beyond the essay. This could involve connecting your topic to broader implications, suggesting potential future developments, or raising questions for further exploration.
  • Call to action: Encourage the reader to take some form of action related to the essay topic. This could involve advocating for change, encouraging further research, or inspiring the reader to consider the implications of the arguments presented.
  • Lasting impression: Aim to create a memorable conclusion that resonates with the reader. This can be achieved by delivering a powerful message, providing a surprising or unexpected perspective, or leaving the reader with a strong emotional response.
  • Consider the overall tone: Ensure that the conclusion aligns with the tone of your essay. It should feel conclusive and wrap up the main points without introducing new information or diverging from the established tone and style of your writing.

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10. Proofread carefully

Take the time to thoroughly review and edit your essay for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. Ensure that your ideas are effectively communicated and that your essay is free from errors. These essay writing tips are essential if you need to score high grades.

You can also ask us to “proofread my paper” anytime. Our experts will go through your essay to ensure every basic or complex error is removed from your final paper for a better grade.

  • Thoroughly review your essay: Set aside dedicated time to carefully go through your entire essay.
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors: Look for any grammatical mistakes, such as incorrect verb tenses or misspelled words. Use spelling and grammar tools or ask someone else to proofread for you.
  • Verify punctuation: Ensure that your punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, and quotation marks, are used correctly and consistently throughout your essay.
  • Focus on clarity: Read each sentence and paragraph to make sure your ideas are expressed clearly. Avoid ambiguous or confusing statements and revise them for better clarity.
  • Ensure effective communication: Check that your arguments, supporting evidence, and examples are effectively communicated to your readers. Make sure your ideas flow logically and coherently.
  • Eliminate repetitive or redundant content: Look for any unnecessary repetition of words, phrases, or ideas. Streamline your essay to make it concise and impactful.
  • Check formatting and structure: Ensure that your essay follows the appropriate formatting guidelines (such as MLA or APA) and that your paragraphs are well-organized and coherent.
  • Consider the overall flow: Read your essay as a whole to assess how well the ideas connect and transition from one point to another. Make necessary adjustments to improve the overall flow of your essay.
  • Seek feedback: If possible, ask a trusted friend, family member, or teacher to review your essay and provide feedback. Fresh eyes can often catch errors or areas of improvement that you might have missed.
  • Take time for final revisions: After proofreading, make necessary revisions and edits to polish your essay before submitting it. Allow yourself enough time to make these final adjustments. Follow these essay writing tips for higher grades.

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1. What should you do when reading the essay instructions?Pay close attention to the essay prompt or instructions provided.
2. How can you gather information for your essay?Gather information from credible sources such as academic journals, books, reputable websites, and scholarly resources.
3. What is the purpose of a thesis statement?To present the main argument or position of the essay.
4. How can you organize your essay before writing?Create an outline to structure your thoughts and cover all relevant points in a logical order.
5. What should be included in a strong introduction?An engaging opening sentence, a clear thesis statement, and a brief overview of the main points to be discussed.
6. How should you support your thesis statement?Use credible evidence and examples from research, properly citing sources and demonstrating their connection to your thesis.
7. How should paragraphs be structured in an essay?Each paragraph should focus on one main idea, starting with a topic sentence, providing supporting evidence, and linking back to the thesis.
8. What are transitions and why are they important?Transitions are words or phrases that connect ideas and paragraphs, helping the essay flow smoothly and guiding the reader’s understanding.
9. What should be included in a strong conclusion?A summary of main points, restating the thesis statement, a thought-provoking insight, and a call to action.
10. What should you do during the proofreading stage?Thoroughly review and edit the essay for grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, and effective communication of ideas.

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Editorial Team. (2023, May 15). Top 10 Essay Writing Tips. Help Write An Essay. Retrieved from

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